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Showing posts from June 12, 2020

New York Write to Pitch - A Conference Manual

NWOE Press Release: Announcing a Pre-Conference Craft and Development Guide     There are no great writers, only great rewriters.          - Algonkian Conferences Motto    The New York Write to Pitch  will soon possess its own Kindle book focusing on the large and comprehensive amount of novel development and editorial matter available here at Novel Writing on Edge and at Algonkian Author Connect . The e-book, now available for pre-order on Amazon , will generally follow the layout of assignments and preparation as presented to writers, a stage at a time, prior to their attendance at the conference,and while adding additional essays and narrative models. Samples as follows: Relentless Application I : The High Concept Premise, Dramatic Act Structure and Plotting Nuance, Six Act Two-Goal Novel, Diagnostic Pitching, and more. Relentless Application II : Ten Critical First Steps, Epiphany Light, Seven Novel Sins, Logs and Cores as Developme...