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Showing posts from September 29, 2020

The Prose Narrative Enhancer - Peeling for Details

You are a writer. Among other things, it is your task to faithfully explore and conjure your fictional world. You have below the perfect means for initiating this process. When it comes to creatively writing descriptive narrative, or simply generating conceptual thought regarding a specific object/ person/ place/ event/ condition in the novel, the question prompts below are indispensable. They prod you, the writer, into peeling the layers, into going deeper than you would have imagined possible. REMEMBER, EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS HAS VARIED DIMENSION AND FORM DEPENDING ON THE OBSERVER . Things exist in the mind as hazy memory, and in reality as measurable matter; they also exist in a place and time, betwixt and between, in dark and light. They affect us in varying ways. Imagine the difference between an object foreign to you and one familiar and sentimental - a child's toy, for example. Keep in mind the results below were derived from pages of notes. The method here is to use...